路由# 321076470

Small changes lead to big growth

加州的野火烧焦了数千英亩的土地,并对全球气候造成了影响. In November and December last year, Patelco partnered with One Tree Planted to donate 5 树 for every member who switched to eStatements. Thanks to those who switched, we are donating $23,000 to plant 23,000 树. By planting 树, 我们可以用释放氧气的茂密森林取代贫瘠的土地, 净化空气, and support wildlife and biodiversity.

我们感谢我们的成员切换到遗产,使这一捐赠成为可能. 帕特尔科致力于支持我们所服务的社区,减少气候变化的影响.

Giving back in the face of COVID-19

We care deeply about our community, 这就是为什么在这个不确定的时期,你可以指望帕特尔科持续的慈善事业. We are giving to non-profits we know make a difference. 他们是我们社区中已经与我们建立了持续合作关系的组织, 在这场危机中,谁正在为最脆弱的人群提供宝贵和必要的服务. Rest assured, your health and well-being are our top priority. 这就是为什么我们正在努力满足我们在冠状病毒应对第一线的合作伙伴的需求.

帕特尔科一直优先考虑支持粮食安全,特别是在需要的时候. In the current crisis, 食品银行——努力让每个人的餐桌上都有食物——已经收到了三倍甚至更多的食品请求. 尤其重要的是,需要为通常在学校吃饭的儿童提供食物. 食品银行正在当地学校分发点为这些家庭提供食物. Other at-risk groups are senior citizens and the homeless. 食物银行不仅在当地食品储藏室的货架上堆满了食物,还向那些为老年人提供热餐和为无家可归者提供午餐的小型组织提供了捐赠. For every $1 donated, a food bank can secure up to $7 worth of food.

Patelco has donated a total of $130,000 to our partner food banks. We encourage you, if you are able, 也要支持他们,并记住他们是为我们所有需要帮助的人服务的:

志愿服务是我们帕特尔科文化的一部分,今年我们每个月都让我们的团队参加活动 Open Heart Kitchen. 这个很棒的组织在三谷的老年中心和教堂提供热餐,并向任何有需要的人开放. 我们很自豪地支持他们,以及他们在这个时候继续提供外带餐的努力.

今年是Patelco信用合作社举办的第三届“希望周期”活动. We not only provide financial and volunteer support, 我们还有一个最大的团队,他们骑自行车为这个了不起的组织筹集资金!

为了更多地支持仁人家园和他们的家人, we added financial education to our partnership. Patelco支持Habitat的首次购房者课程,并在整个湾区提供金融教育研讨会. 这些活动对Habitat家庭、Patelco成员和社区开放. Once we can meet in person check the 安排在这里.


Children's health, touching the future

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 为全国生病的孩子服务,我们很自豪地支持他们在萨克拉门托的梦想家园赠品. Last year we helped St. 裘德筹集了超过60万美元,我们期待着今年筹集更多. 寻找有关今年夏天的全新梦想之家的信息 Sacramento branches and how you can purchase a chance to win.


信贷 Union SacTown Run

Every year Patelco team member volunteers, 步行者和跑步者参加了信用合作社萨克敦跑步,以支持儿童奇迹网络. Although the race was canceled this year, 我们很自豪能够继续支持加州大学旧金山分校贝尼奥夫儿童医院和加州大学戴维斯儿童医院的儿童健康. We look forward to participating at the next event on April 11, 2021.

Meals, donations and care for families impacted by wildfires

当坎普大火摧毁了天堂镇和周边地区, Patelco jumped into action, providing assistance for our members and the broader community.

In December 2018, 帕特尔科团队成员与奇科的北谷天主教社会服务中心合作, to donate and distribute 1,000年的背包, each packed with a blanket, 电源组, $50 Target gift card and a personal note from a Patelco team member. Patelco团队的志愿者还帮助了Chico救世军配送中心的50多个家庭免费提供家庭用品, personal and food supplies at the location

As a development professional for over ten years, I can say this was one of the best events I have participated in. From the moment your team stepped off the bus and greeted us, I knew this was going to be a good event.”

– Don, North Valley Catholic Social Service

Patelco有在灾难发生时支持社区的历史. 2017年,索诺玛县和纳帕县发生了多起毁灭性的火灾, Patelco团队成员在社区做志愿者,分发必需品和食物. We packed and distributed 7,500lbs of fruits and vegetables, served food to over 700 people, 天才1,000 care packages and raised $234,000 to distribute to local charities.

Patelco的社区团队在北加州的高中开设了金融教育课程, community colleges, 大学, 库, adult education centers and transitional housing centers. 这些课程, provided at no cost, have been held in Alameda, 旧金山, Contra Costa and Placer counties.

Some of the topics include FICO scores, budgeting for college students, 设定目标, emotional spending, and basic financial literacy. Want to learn about these topics and more? Check out our online financial wellness resources.

Doing great work, every day


We’re proud to be part of helping make the communities we serve 更强的.

